Betekenis van:
real presence

real presence
Zelfstandig naamwoord
    • (Christianity) the Christian doctrine that the body of Christ is actually present in the Eucharist



    1. Shiroonitake is a poisonous mushroom but it has real presence, and I like it.
    2. The result is a real (i.e. non-negligible) reduction in market presence, the size of which is, however, limited.
    3. It could be damaging to financial stability in these countries and lending to the real economy if KBC was required to further reduce its presence in the region.
    4. It constitutes a specific advantage in favour of these undertakings with no real presence in Gibraltar, who as a consequence do not incur corporate tax.
    5. The inclusion of the first three in the relevant product market is dismissed in the Decision, since the in-depth investigation has clearly shown that they are either not real GDS substitutes, or that their presence and/or impact in the EEA is very limited.
    6. The development of rapid and sensitive virus-detection methods, especially those that can be automated, such as real time RT-PCR, means that these could be used for simple widespread and regular testing of vaccinated birds for the presence of field virus.
    7. dynamic, network-oriented business systems, including their monitoring in real time, for product and service creation and delivery; decentralised control and management of intelligent items; digital business ecosystems, in particular software solutions (also based on grids) adaptable to the needs of small- and medium-sized organisations; collaboration services for distributed context-aware workspaces; augmented group presence, group management and sharing support; knowledge sharing and interactive services;
    8. "Tilting spindle" (2) means a tool-holding spindle which alters, during the machining process, the angular position of its centre line with respect to any other axis. "Time constant" (6) is the time taken from the application of a light stimulus for the current increment to reach a value of 1-1/e times the final value (i.e. 63 % of the final value). "Total control of flight" (7) means an automated control of "aircraft" state variables and flight path to meet mission objectives responding to real time changes in data regarding objectives, hazards or other "aircraft". "Total digital transfer rate" (5) means the number of bits, including line coding, overhead and so forth per unit time passing between corresponding equipment in a digital transmission system. N.B.:See also "digital transfer rate". "Tow" (1) is a bundle of "monofilaments", usually approximately parallel. "Toxins" (1 2) means toxins in the form of deliberately isolated preparations or mixtures, no matter how produced, other than toxins present as contaminants of other materials such as pathological specimens, crops, foodstuffs or seed stocks of "microorganisms". "Transfer laser" (6) means a "laser" in which the lasing species is excited through the transfer of energy by collision of a non-lasing atom or molecule with a lasing atom or molecule species. "Tunable" (6) means the ability of a "laser" to produce a continuous output at all wavelengths over a range of several "laser" transitions. A line selectable "laser" produces discrete wavelengths within one "laser" transition and is not considered "tunable". "Unmanned Aerial Vehicle" ("UAV") (9) means any aircraft capable of initiating flight and sustaining controlled flight and navigation without any human presence on board.